Stella Gurin
Georgia Institute of Technology
MS in Computer Science · 2022 - 2025
University of Georgia
BS in Computer Science · 2018 - 2022

GitHub Repositories

Here, you can find some of my tutorials (repositories) I uploaded on my GitHub site to let others learn from them. Check this gallery for a quick review :).

For a more detailed look, you can view actual demos as well as my codings.

This application uses a mix of Java and Java FX 8 to display a ping pong game. To start the game, the user should press 'P' to play. Once the game starts, the user has to control how fast the paddles can move up and down the screen from each side to hit the ball. If one side misses, one of the players get a point. You need 3 points to win.
This application uses a mix of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to display images and thumbnails. When the user clicks on a thumbnail, the image displayed changes accordingly. Each of the five thumbnails represents a flag. The American, French, British, Italian, and Swiss flags are shown. If a flag is pressed, a picture of the country appears.
This application uses a mix of HTML and CSS to display images and thumbnails. When the user clicks on a thumbnail, the image displayed changes accordingly. Each of the nine thumbnails represents a product.
This application uses a mix of HTML and CSS to display animation. To achieve this dynamic, moving scene, marquees and CSS are put into action. In the animation, the user will see a dog running, a butterfly and a stork flying, and finally a sun and cloud floating over a mountain background.
This application calculates how much money could be saved. The user enters the price of the product or service and the discount provided. The program then returns the savings and the sale price.
This application uses a mix of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to display different background and text colors. When the user clicks on a radio button, the layout text and background color displayed changes accordingly. Each of the eight thumbnails is a different layout. The default layout is a gray background with black text. The user can then choose and switch between a black, blue, brown, gold, navy, pink, or red background color.
Don't hesitate to ask me any questions.