Stella Gurin
Georgia Institute of Technology
MS in Computer Science · 2022 - 2025
University of Georgia
BS in Computer Science · 2018 - 2022

Research & Projects

Here, you can find some of my projects I made over the years. Check this gallery for a quick review.

For a more detailed look, you can view the websites that I created below:

Research Project
University of Georgia
This is a research project. I built this website for a group of graduate students and faculty, of Educational Theory & Practice department of the University of Georgia, with a strong interest in understanding neoliberalism and its influence on education.
Class Project
University of Georgia
This is a Web Programming (CSCI 4300) Term Project. In this project we have to create a fully dynamic web application with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL database.

I got 100% on this project and my grade for this class was "A"
Java Projects
This is a list of different Java Applications I built at the University of Georgia. I'm planning to post them on GitHub.
UGA English 1102 Project
This is my UGA project for my English 1102 class about Wolves. A wolf is a predatory mammal that belongs to the predatory order, the canine family (dogs and wolves). Externally, wolves look like large dogs with a strong, muscular body and long legs. Some wolves look more like long-legged foxes, and red wolves have features of wolves, foxes, and jackals. The head of the wolf is massive, with high, pointed ears, and the muzzle is elongated and wide.
UGA English 1101 Project
This is my UGA project for my English 1101 class, The Relationship Between Genetics and Addiction. Many people do not understand why and how other people become addicted to alcohol and/or drugs.
University of Georgia - Language Arts Project
This is my university project about Alcohol Abuse. The premise is about the question of if alcoholism is a disease or addiction. Alcoholism is a disease that occurs as a result of the addictive habit of consuming alcohol often and in excessive amounts.
High School Student Profile - Applying to Universities
This is my high school portfolio during senior year. The idea behind it was to demonstrate my knowledge and experience in programming when I applied to university.
AP Literature - Junior Year HS Project
This 11th grade high school project is for my AP Literature class during Junior Year at Northview High School. The site covers the following topics related to classic literature: Literary Terms, Tone Words, Major Works, and Passage Examples.
High School Project
This 10th grade high school project is for the Introduction to Digital Technology class and describes how to create a website. Originally, the assignment was to build a simple 4 page replica of the W3Schools example, however I decided to go above and beyond and demonstrate my knowledge and love for coding.
Don't hesitate to ask me any questions.