Stella Gurin
Georgia Institute of Technology
MS in Computer Science · 2022 - 2025
University of Georgia
BS in Computer Science · 2018 - 2022

My Profile

I am currently a graduate student at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I am majoring in Computer Science. On my own, I learned quite a few programming languages before I enrolled into UGA and Georgia Tech.

Since my early childhood, from the age of 9, I was fascinated about programming. I've read, studied and practiced the following books, which are a part of the Head First Series by O'Reilly Media:

My Websites
  • HTML with CSS & XHTML
  • JavaScript
  • PHP & MySQL
  • SQL
  • Python
  • Java

Here, you can find a list of my websites I have built over the years from static (hard-coded) to dynamic (integrated database).

Of course, I built more than this list, but I decided not to publish all my creations, just the ones I like best.

Over the years, I gained experience through using a variety of softwares and application, which are listed below:

  • Eclipse
  • DrJava
  • IDLE
  • Unix/Linux Terminal
  • Command Prompt
  • Emacs
  • FTP
  • Notepad++
  • Photoshop
  • Wamp
  • WinMerge
  • Excel

Outside of school, I work on different projects on GitHub, utilizing a mix of languages that I know. For the educational purposes, I upload my codes and live demos for others to learn some tips and tricks.

Currently, I have a few repositories and counting.

Here are the relevant courses I have taken already at UGA or Georgia Tech:

  • AI, Ethics & Society (AI/ML techniques)
  • Applied Linear Algebra (Python)
  • Calculus I for Science and Engineering
  • Calculus II for Science and Engineering
  • Computer Architecture and Organization (Assembly)
  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Networks
  • Computing, Ethics, and Society
  • Data Structures (C/C++)
  • Database Management (SQL, JDBC, MySQL)
  • Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
  • Game AI (C#, Unity)
  • Introduction to Computing and Programming (Java)
  • Introduction to Programming (Python)
  • Introductory Statistics
  • Mobile Software Development (Java, XML, SQLite)
  • Software Development (Java)
  • Software Development Process (Java, XML)
  • Software Architecture and Design (Java)
  • Statistical Methods (JMP)
  • Systems Programming (C/C++)
  • Theory of Computing
  • Web Programming (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL)
Don't hesitate to ask me any questions.